Dear Msgri. /Frs., Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,


1. The recent announcement by the Lagos State Government, suspending the planned
reopening of Churches for public worship has left us with a feeling of utter
disappointment and bewilderment. We, lay faithful, Religious and the Clergy, had all
been looking forward to 21st June, 2020, with joyful anticipation that we shall gather
once again to celebrate the Eucharist as Communities of Faith in our different
parishes. We had been engaging the Government and acting in concert with other
Christians in the Christian Association of Nigeria on what we need to do. We had even
gone ahead to issue particular stringent Archdiocesan Guidelines towards the gradual
restoration of public Masses in order to ensure the safety of our people. All the
parishes had started working to make the Church premises safe for worship following
the guidelines later released by government.
It is very unfortunate that the State Government suspended the scheduled opening of
Churches for Public worship because of the increase in the number of COVID-19
infections and its belief that the Church is a fertile ground for new infections. We
are convinced that there are higher chances of protecting people from the infection
within Church premises than in other public places such as markets and motor parks
due to precautions that we believe would be better respected by the faithful when
they come to worship. If offices and businesses could be opened with safety measures
put in place, we believe that the same principle ought to apply to Churches with higher
chances of better compliance. We make bold to say again that the Church cares about
the health and safety of the faithful as much as the State, if not more.
We also remind everyone that good health is not just physical wellness, it is a state of
total wellbeing of the person: mental, emotional and psychological well-being. Faith and
religious worship help to provide these other indices of well-being and we hope that
would be taken into consideration by government in reconsidering its position.

2. We encourage the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of our Archdiocese to accept the
situation we are in with the eyes of faith, seeing it as the Will of God for us at this
time. Whatever happens to us has the mark of God on it and we should recognize it as
part of God’s providence. It is normal to feel disappointed and frustrated but we must
never give in to discouragement rather we must remain calm and hopeful.

We shall continue to celebrate Masses which shall be broadcast on Lumen Christi
Television Network and we hope that you will all continue to participate from your
homes. Let us endeavor to keep the flame of our faith alive drawing strength from the
words of St. Paul that “all things work together unto good for those who love God”
(Rom. 8:28). We shall not relent in our prayers for God’s intervention in our fight
against this virus since we believe that our sacrifices and efforts by the grace of God,
would bring an end to the spread of this virus.

3. We urge the faithful of the Archdiocese to place our inability to celebrate Mass in
public in the hands of God for a resolution. The Rosary is like a weapon that you use
when you are at war and its potency have been proved over the years. We are not sure
of what we are battling against but we know that with God on our side, we shall
overcome. Please pray the rosary every day for an end to the Coronavirus but also for
the restoration of Public Mass and return to normal life.

4. Meanwhile we urge all the faithful not to relax in taking due precautions because
there is no doubt that the virus is still with us and we need to protect ourselves and
others even while we go about our daily lives. Keep physical distance from others,
avoid large gatherings of people, remain in your home unless there is need to go out,
wear the face mask when in public and wash your hands often.

5. Do you know that you can use the opportunity of washing your hands to pray also? It
takes about 20 seconds to say the Our Father. Use the time for washing your hands
productively by saying a prayer. 

Finally, we commend the efforts of our dear priests who have been working to keep
the faith of our people alive in these unusual times and in such dire circumstances.
Along with the committees in their parishes, priests have been making efforts to
prepare our churches in line with the safety measures for the resumption of public
Masses. We assure you that your efforts are not in vain. We believe that sooner than
later, we shall have the opportunity to gather in our parishes to celebrate the
Eucharist and the other sacraments once again. May God deliver us from this evil.

+ Alfred Adewale MARTINS
Archbishop, Metropolitan See of Lagos
19th June, 2020